Category Archives: Writing

Sneak Peek

So here it is. Albeit this is a very rough draft, and the more time I spend on this article the larger I see it becoming. Ha, it doesn’t help that I just talked to my mom about it and she gave me a massive dose of encouragement, which will only propel this monster further.

So here it is. The beginnings of something, of what exactly I can’t say for sure. But I am going for it.

[Develop hook] Thinking has always been regarded as a dangerous past time, well I’m about to take it a step further and blame the catalyst: good conversation. The other day a work colleague made a casual statement that has caused thoughts to spread and build upon themselves in my mind much like a ripple in a still pond. The conversation, much like most of those I choose to carry, revolved around food and cooking. My coworker off handedly stated that while preparing and eating a healthy meal, if he is eating this way because he is feeling guilty about something else.

This small utterance fell by the way side until the next morning when I heard those words again, which were quickly followed by a barrage of questions popping in my head much like a greasy burger in a hot skillet. Why do we choose to eat healthy? Has eating all natural simply become penance for misdeeds? Are we no longer eating to watch our waistlines, but to gain some sort of sanctification? Are health food stores the new temples and local farmers the new shaman?

I can’t help but feel as if this is a major topic just waiting to be cut into, peeled back, hacked open, and any other food related dismemberment you can muster.

Throughout human history we have held strongly to our religiosity, convictions, morals, beliefs, and yes even the lack there of. Devout Christians, renegade Muslims, earthy Pagans, Orthodox Jews, peaceful Hindus, obstinate Atheists, and now fervent foodies?

When did food cease to become a means for survival and develop into one of the 7 Deadly Sins? In his book, Guns, Steel, Germs; revered anthropologist Jared Diamond conquers the massive topic of food development and domestication of what we now know as our livestock. [Insert specific citation] The course of human development goes hand-in-hand with the development and cultivation of crops and the processes behind preparing said harvests. Early eating was simply a process of obtaining the highest amount of calories without spending a lot of those calories trying to obtain them. A deceptively simple concept. [Elaborate further] [Discuss technological developments of healthy fats and grains. I.e.: oils and butter or quinoa and wheat]

This brings us to sin aspect of food. Why would Gluttony be among the ranks of such nefarious deeds as Sloth, Lust, Wrath, and the like? The answer is simple enough. When it takes such hard work to gain so little caloric intake, the over indulgence of those calories was justifiably seen as sinful and greedy. Yet with the development of higher yielding food production came the growth of better technology, modern warfare, architecture, science, travel, and the establishment of larger communities. Throughout the course of history, the success and prowess of empires and countries is a direct reflection on that cultures ability to obtain and distribute calories to the masses the most effective manner.

But for every cause there is an effect and for every sauté there must come a flip. With the development of all these technologies, food not only became more obtainable, but more processed and that oh so dirty word, refined. Things that were absent in the “all natural diets” before were introduced making the forbidden Gluttony all the more deadly. These little evils are sodium, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, MSGs, and the host of unpronounceable chemicals and preservatives that accompany your favorite bowl of cereal or ice cream.

For decades Americans in particular feasted on TV Dinners, the convenience of fast food drive thrus, easy bake ovens, multicolored prepackaged confections, and massive portion sizes. Couple this with an unhealthy dose of ignorance and the wily advertisements of major corporations and we have the recipe for a nation full of unhappy and confused eaters.

Alright. That’s all your getting for now. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Now I’m off to the kitchen to make some yummy goodies!